EK Marine (EKM) - Marine & Industrial Hydraulics Services. Killybegs, Co. Donegal, Ireland. | MFV Diligent Jo
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MFV Diligent Jo

Case Studies

MFV Diligent Jo

The 16m Diligent Jo is a twin rigged trawler designed to fish for a variety of species along the South and East coats of the U.K.

EK Marine Ltd designed, manufactured and installed the deck equipment and hydraulic control system working closely with the designer, S C McAllister, the owner Rodger Klynn of Lowestoft and the Builders Arklow Marine Ltd

Project Detail

Division: Winches & Marine Cranes
Client: Rodger Klynn
Date: September 2017
Shipyard: Arklow Marine Ltd
Location: Arklow, County Wicklow, Ireland.